A downloadable game

Puppy.AI is a creative exploration sandbox game for interacting with AI-generated digital puppies. This is part of a research project studying how well AI can create believable emotions in the absence of facial expressions or human behavior. As such, there will be survey-style questions within the experience. 

Caution, large files! This project uses a local LLM which is included in the build, so the Windows and Mac build files are quite large. You should delete the files after playing. Since they are too large for itch.io, they are hosted on Google Drive at the links below. 

Windows Download

Mac Download

Research Study Proposal

Playtest Info: If you are willing to playtest, please add a comment at the bottom of this page letting us know how it went! Please include a screenshot of the summary screen from the end of the game (if you reach the end) and include details of any issues you encountered or features you wished for. 

Thanks for playing!


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(2 edits)
I was sometimes unsure about which puppy was being asked about (and felt kind of ambushed at first). Also, I felt like the puppies were always saying the same sort of thing and they always seemed pretty happy to me and when they were unhappy, I don't understand why they were. During gameplay, I felt like I didn't have much to do other than bounce the balls. Lastly, with the end screen, I feel a bit disconnected from the experience, like I couldn't understand the puppies during the game and now again at the end the game was just confirming that for me. I would like it if I had a clear way to see what the puppies wanted, because I want to help them, but I felt like I didn't know how.

thank you for playing!